Friday, January 06, 2006


Does anyone need any glass cut? Because it's colder than a witch's tit! My nipples are so sharp right now I just might poke your eyes out next time I see you.

Which is why I'd like to say man, do I miss the 909. During the summer it was nice to be out here because it was hot as hell in the Heights. But now that it's getting closer to the winter, I just might lose a testicle to frost bite.

I mean, I may not look it because of my pale, cracker ass, skin color but I'm pure flip. We be a tropical people. I should be throwing spears at monkeys in the hot, steamy jungle. Not fighting off eskimos for bear fur to keep warm. Okay there's no eskimos. Just tall, rich, white people. But for some reason they don't look as cold as I am. Rich bastards...

Anyway, if any of you want to send me to Hawaii or the Bahamas to defrost, please send your check or money order to my home address. I also accept PayPal. Thanks.


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